Obituary: Rusty Loving Dalton

Rusty Loving Dalton

Longtime Malibu resident Rusty Loving Dalton died in November 2015 after a  battle with liver disease. 

Dalton was a fisherman, kayaker, hiker and cyclist, and was also known for his gardening. He put up dozens of jars of tomatoes, peppers, salsa and pickles from his garden every year. 

“After an extended stay at the hospital, Rusty was able to come home, where he perched in front of his beloved gardens and fruit trees quenching an insatiable thirst for ice cold root beer,” a loved one said.  

Dalton left this world surrounded by his mother Carolyn Loving, girlfriend Karen Johnson and sisters Lisa, Mimi and Shelly. He is also survived by his father, Sid Loving, and his brother Robert. 

“His gentle nature and quirky humor will be missed by many,” a loved one said. “Special thanks to those who were able to visit Rusty, for the many messages of support and love we received and also to the amazing generosity and professional consideration of hospice.”