Fishing restrictions go into effect Oct. 1


The California Fish and Game Commission on Wednesday last week selected Oct. 1 as the effective date for implementation of the marine protected areas (MPAs) in Southern California, including an area off the coast of Point Dume.

In a 4-1 vote, commissioners selected this day to start implementing new regulations in the South Coast Study Region, which spans from Point Conception in Santa Barbara County to the U.S./Mexico border. Commissioner Daniel Richards was the only vote in opposition.

The restricted are in Malibu stretches from El Matador State Beach to Paradise Cove.

Limited fishing is allowed in the northern half of the MPA, from Point Dume to El Matador.

The new MPAs are a continuation of a process begun in 1999 with the passage of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). Initiated in response to dwindling marine populations, the MLPA charged the commission with coordinating a statewide network of protected areas, which would integrate existing MPAs with new ones into a comprehensive system.