Missionary Family Shares Insight at Malibu Presbyterian Church

The Eubank family speaks at the Malibu Presbyterian Church.

The Malibu Presbyterian Church hosted former U.S. Army Special Forces and Ranger officer David “Dave” Eubank, his wife Karen and their children, Sahale, Suuzanne and Peter, on Sunday, Sept. 17. The family shared stories and insights from their experiences as humanitarian aid workers and missionaries in various countries including Thailand, Burma, Iraq and Syria. The church has partnered with the Eubank family for over 20 years, according to Andy Egger, the church’s communications coordinator. 

The family was present for two services at the church on Sunday. Eubank shared stories from his eight months in Iraq, where the family delivered supplies, provided medical aid and rescued civilians under fire from ISIS. Around 100 people stayed following the last service for an extended Q&A and lunch.