Car Flies Off Cliff onto Malibu Beach

Photo courtesy of Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's Station

A work crew from LA County Beaches and Harbors found an abandoned vehicle floating in the surf at Dan Blocker State Beach near Corral Canyon early Saturday morning. The owner of the 1997 Izuzu Rodeo was not found in the area. Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station officials said the unidentified 51-year-old Bellflower man was discovered to be in the hospital and “appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.”

“The vehicle appeared to have gone over the cliff some 30 feet before it ended up in the waves of the rising tide,” a Lost Hills press release states.

The press release describes the damage to the vehicle as “extensive.” It was towed to Malibu Towing. The vehicle owner was reported to be in stable condition and was undergoing a series of tests to determine the extent of his injuries.

-Jonathan Friedman