Parting cheer for Hasse


    The following letter was read into the record at the Malibu City Council meeting on April 23, and a custom engraved gavel and stand were presented to retiring City of Malibu Councilman Tom Hasse.

    “The idea of five council members working together for years without having a cross word suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep. Former Malibu Mayor and Councilmember Tom Hasse has not been a sheep, he has been a fighter and has stood out among his colleagues. Tom was not on the City Council to make a living. Tom was here to enable Malibuites to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a spirit of hope and achievement.

    Councilmember Hasse has enriched Malibu by not forgetting the errand voters had sent him on. He smelled the flowers of Malibu lawmaking and looked around for the governmental coffin. He asked questions and sought solutions. The Lily’s Caf Steering Committee thanks Tom Hasse for being a good listener, and while his visits to Lily’s Caf were not always popular, after awhile we taught him something about the valor of conviction. The Lily’s Coffee Group thus presents Tom Hasse this retirement gavel for his years of service to the Malibu Community.”

    Tom Fakehany, chair

    Malibu Issues Steering Committee

    (Formerly Lily’s Cafe Steering Committee)