The City of Malibu will celebrate the groundbreaking of its Civic Center Wastewater Treatment Facility on Wednesday, June 29, at 10 a.m.
The project includes a centralized wastewater treatment facility that will treat, reuse and/or dispose of wastewater flow from properties in the Civic Center. It comes as a response to regulatory actions taken by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Resources Control Board to prohibit discharges from onsite wastewater discharge systems in the Civic Center area.
Mayor Laura Rosenthal described it as an “important milestone in Malibu’s environmental mission,” in a statement provided by the city.
The City of Malibu has worked with a stakeholders group of scientists, engineers, environmentalists, the State Water Board, property owners and community organizations to ensure that the facility will be as clean, safe, efficient and green as possible.
Wednesday’s groundbreaking ceremony will take place at the facility site, located at 24000 Civic Center Way.
Once complete, the facility will use membrane filtration, biological reactors and ultraviolet light to treat wastewater and generate up to 70 million gallons of usable recycled water per year, which will be used to irrigate properties in the Civic Center, as well as city parks and public landscaping.
Civic Center property owners approved the $57 million project in January, and City Council voted to purchase land for the project and approve construction and consulting bids in May. For more information on the project, visit malibucity.org.