Polynesian boats, travelers coming to Malibu

U2 guitarist The Edge and three associates have filed lawsuits against the California Coastal Commission after it rejected their proposal to build several mansions in the environmentally sensitive Sweetwater Mesa area near Malibu.

A group of native Pacific Islanders who are sailing across the Pacific Ocean to raise environmental awareness are coming to Malibu Thursday, Aug. 19. They are traveling in seven rebuilt ocean-voyaging vaka moanas, boats used by the Polynesian people for centuries. The boats will be at Paradise Cove in Malibu from Thursday until Saturday, Aug. 21. For more information, visit the group’s website, www.pacificvoyagers.org.

Here is a message from the travelers’ website:

“We are a group of Pacific Islanders who have come together from many nations, sailing as one across the Pacific Ocean. We are voyaging to strengthen our ties with the sea, renew our commitment to healthy ecosystems for future generations, and to honour our ancestors who have sailed before us. As we sail our Vaka across the Pacific, we are respectful and gentle, always remembering our voyage motto: ‘Move your paddle silently through the water.’”