Veteran returns to make a difference

Leon Cooper in February on Red Beach in Tarawa.

A documentary is being made about the return of Malibu resident Leon Cooper, who was at the Battle of Tarawa, to the island. Cooper returned to Tarawa last month to learn more about reports he had read about garbage on Red Beach.

As a United States Navy landing craft officer, Cooper landed Marines on Red Beach in what was the first amphibious assault on a Central Pacific Japanese stronghold. Cooper saw thousands of his countrymen die, and many others were wounded.

Garbage has for years littered the area. Cooper said he is resolved to make sure Red Beach is cleaned permanently and wants to create a garbage-control program for the rest of the island.

Producer Steve Barber and cameraman/editor Matthew Hausle accompanied Cooper on the trip. The film “Return to Tarawa” will be completed later this year.