In defense of a fellow citizen


    It is a shame (and astonishing!) that you, as editor of The Malibu Times, continue to sanction such outrageous mudslinging on your “editorial” pages. Last week was the last straw. If only I had a subscription that could be canceled. But alas, another angry Letter to the Editor is my only feeble recourse.

    It’s one thing to debate the merits of November’s land acquisition bond-it’s another thing to feature personal invective against people who work hard (and volunteer!) to promote solid family values in our community. Deirdre Roney is an outspoken individual with a passion for public service. The Malibu Times itself, bestowed her with its coveted Dolphin Award last year for her immense commitment of time and service to the children of Malibu. Whether you like her or not, whether you are for the bond or against it, to permit such vicious personal attacks on fellow citizens sets a poor example for our young people, encourages a tragically low standard for the quality of debate on all issues and diminishes the value of the so-called “free” press.

    I often feel lucky that I live outside the city limits and can turn off the noisy din of Malibu’s strident political battles, but when upstanding people are dragged through the mud because their opponents refuse to make good arguments for their side and instead attack the people who advocate for whatever cause or idea; we, the readers, must respond and voice our disapproval.

    Heather Anderson