Schools earn top grade


    Three of our four children will be participating in a Promotion or Graduation Ceremony in a few days. One for 5th, one for 8th, and one for 12th. All four have been attending Malibu schools since 1994.

    Our children started off attending private school; then we moved to Irvine so they could attend what are considered some of the best schools in the country. After two years there, we moved to Germany for three years, where they went to German schools, which pride themselves on a very traditional, highly academic curriculum.

    We were always in search of a school environment that was academically sound, creatively stimulating and one which involved the surrounding community. We came full circle and ended up finding just that in Malibu.

    It’s true, we have been vocal critics in the past (and probably will be in the future) but the truth is that the majority of what is going on in the Malibu schools is exceptional. If it weren’t, there would not be so many exceptional people involved in the education of our community’s children.

    As we approach this milestone in our lives, we would like to thank so many who contribute: 1) The dedicated and hard-working teachers and administrators who truly go above and beyond to educate every child and offer a curriculum that is intellectually challenging and creatively nurturing; 2) The service organizations (Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Optimists, Women’s Clubs) that value, encourage and reward virtues of commitment, hard work, success, and overcoming obstacles; 3) The religious organizations that work hard to plant seeds of faith that grow into foundations for life of strong moral character; 4) The businesses that give so generously to the many youth activities in our community; 5) The newspapers that chronicle and enthusiastically report the events in the lives of our children; 6) The City Council that searches for ways to improve life and offer more opportunities for youth, as well as supporting existing programs; 7) The parents, volunteers, and taxpayers, many of whose children are grown and out of the system, who give so much of themselves.

    All of these, combined represent a community that recognizes the value and importance of investing in our future – which is our youth. You do it generously and joyously with your time, money and voices. And what is the reward? Take a look at the bright, young faces graduating this year. They hold the promise of hope and success for the future, solutions to problems, both seen and unforeseen, and the endurance of virtues and values that began in this community.

    Thank you all (times 4)

    Wolter and Patti Mehring