‘Deputy-Involved Shooting’ Reported in Point Dume

Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs

[Update: 6 p.m.] Los Angeles County Sheriff’s public information officers confirmed a deputy-involved shooting occurred on the 28000 block of Bison Court in Point Dume on Friday afternoon. According to the sheriff’s information bureau, the call came in around 4:30 p.m. on Friday.

A suspect was transported via medevac helicopter, sheriff’s information said. A spokesperson for Los Angeles County Fire Department confirmed a deputy was not injured in the shooting. The LACo Fire officer added the person transported was a 32-year-old male but did not provide any more information.

Neither agency confirmed whether the deputy involved was from the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station.

[5:26 p.m.] Few details were available Friday evening of a deputy-involved shooting that occurred in the Point Dume neighborhood of Malibu.

According to a Los Angeles County Fire Department public information officer, the shooting was confirmed with a dispatch call coming in at “15:58,” or 3:58 p.m. Friday. 

As of 5:18 p.m., there was a medical transport en route to airlift at least one victim to a nearby trauma center. At the time, there were no confirmed casualties. It was still considered an “active scene,” at the time.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.