Letter: Carbon Dioxide

Letter to the Editor

Humans are about 18.5 percent carbon by weight, eat food made of carbon, live in homes made of carbon, produce children made with carbon and exhale carbon dioxide with every breath. It is impossible for humans to stop unleashing carbon dioxide unless we commit suicide. Despite this obvious fact, famous Hollywood celebrities want carbon taxes and government-forced mandates to use costly energy schemes that can never work reliably and efficiently due to their very nature. We make food with energy, so bad energy policy automatically becomes bad agricultural policy. If we wish to raise the cost of food, energy, housing and transportation while increasing homelessness, unemployment, and budget deficits, then mandating more renewable energy schemes combined with a carbon tax is a killer idea… literally.

Why do we think carbon dioxide is pollution? Two scientists, Dr. Karl Zeller and Dr. Ned Nikolov, have discovered that they can accurately estimate the average long-term temperature of Venus, Earth, Mars, Titan, and Triton by knowing just two facts: their distance from the Sun and their atmospheric pressure. This proves the greenhouse effect is inconsequential. Carbon dioxide and all the other atmospheric gases only contribute to temperature by their physical mass and resultant atmospheric pressure. Similarly, in a diesel engine, a piston is used to compress gases to generate enough heat to eliminate the need for a spark plug. 

Carbon dioxide is an odorless, colorless, nontoxic gas, and the molecular fuel that powers and constructs all life on Earth. CO2 is not a pollutant any more than oxygen is a pollutant. Climate change has become a trillion dollar business scam and a partisan political weapon of mind control, but it is not based on good science. Harrison Ford, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo cannot explain why the Earth has experienced major ice ages when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were many times higher than they are today. Perhaps Hollywood movie stars should reconsider jumping on this bandwagon to economic collapse and food cost hyperinflation. Will they theatrically tell the poor to let them eat biofuels?

Christopher Calder