Chamber of Commerce Comes Out Against Measure R

Malibu Chamber of Commerce

The Malibu Chamber of Commerce has announced its opposition to Measure R, a local proposal to curb the number of chain stores in Malibu and allow locals to vote on major commercial developments.

“The people behind Measure R didn’t do their homework and they’ve presented us with a flawed, harmful and costly approval,” executive director Mark Persson said in a press release. 

The board of directors voted to oppose the measure based on “a lengthy list of reasons,” including the possibility of the initiative preventing a new Malibu Urgent Care from being built. Although medical offices are exempt from the proposal, many have argued a new Urgent Care facility could face an uncertain future if Measure R is passed and the commercial development it’s attached to gets voted down by locals.

The Chamber went on to urge “Malibu residents to do their homework” in deciding on Measure R before the Nov. 4 election.