April 6 City Council highlights


The City Council is scheduled to hold a special meeting today, (Thursday).

Many of the agenda items, listed below, were part of the agenda for the March 27 meeting, which was canceled to enable Malibu to attend the memorial service for City Councilman Harry Barovsky.

  • Discussion of process of filling the City Council vacancy
  • Proposed resolution supporting concept of acquiring undeveloped land in the flood plain of the Civic Center for preserving open space and constructing a functional wetland
  • Presentation of the Malibu Coastal Land Conservancy on its November 1999 fund-raiser
  • Community Development Block Grant funds, 2000-2001, for low- and moderate-income residents, senior citizens and persons with disabilities
  • Final appointment to the Code Enforcement Task Force
  • Presentation of the city’s Economic Plan