Nine Residents Test Positive for Covid-19 This Week

COVID-19 Chart

Nine Malibu residents tested positive for the coronavirus in the week from Tuesday, Oct. 5, through Monday, Oct. 11, bringing Malibu’s total number of residents to have tested positive for the disease up to 665. There remained 10 deaths attributed to the disease.

As of Oct. 7—the latest available numbers—7,359 residents have been vaccinated, up 80 from the 7,279 vaccinated residents reported a week previously.

Among students in the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, 82.2 percent of those ages 12 and up were vaccinated. Six cases were reported at Malibu school sites—four at Webster Elementary and two at Malibu Middle/High school—and seven students and/or staff members were in quarantine as of Tuesday evening, Oct. 12.