I have read with interest a news article, “Letters to the editor” and “From the Publisher” regarding Malibu City Attorney Christi Hogin.Your reporting of the July 28 city council meeting has brought about this firm’s first letter ever to a newspaper regarding a public issue.
Christi Hogin is an able, intelligent and professional city attorney. I have litigated against Christi and I have negotiated with her. She is tough, fair and always keeps her client’s interest, the city of Malibu, in mind. This, of course, includes the requirement that as either a city prosecutor or civil attorney, on behalf of the city, she must comply with the law and the rules of professional conduct. But enough about Christi, for she needs no defense by me.
It is sad to read your description of the actions and statements of certain members of this city before the City Council. Did we incorporate for this? Perhaps those who spoke at the recent City Council meeting are unaware of something well known to a first year lawyer. If you do not have the facts or the law on your side, attack the opponent’s attorney. Personal attacks have no place in city council meeting or a court room. I note, from your reporting, no instances of an attempted retort by Christi. Again, she was maintaining her professionalism.
Are members of this community advocating the use of badgering, intimidation, slander and harassment when issues, important to them, are at stake? I have no idea whether any of these individuals are in fact the subject of the pending campaign violations investigations, but I do know that such investigation should not be rushed or influenced by individuals that may be the subject of such investigation.
Christi Hogin is a good city attorney. It is her professionalism that is the object of the wrath of some constituents. God help this city if Christi leaves and these vocal constituents are able to replace her with somebody who will bend his or her ear, professionalism, knowledge of the law or sense of responsibility to the will and/or whim of one faction or the other.
Let’s get behind Christi and let her know that we not only support her, we need her.
William A. Kerr