KBUU Newswire Mon Aug 13: Malibu May Be Odd Man Out Again At SMMUSD Board – Balloon Blackout – 5 Run For 2 Seats In Malibu


    This is KBUU News The headlines:

    • Malibu could again get squeezed out by Santa Monica at the school board. 
    • Five candidates run for four school board seats … Malibu’s Craig Foster could be the odd man out. 
    • The final count at Malibu City Hall … five city council candidates for 2 open seats here.
    • Malibu residents say Joe Edmiston pulled a fast one by sneaking in as a member of the public to speak before the Coastal Commission last week. 
    • Bird and Lime may get ousted … in SaMo … make way for  Lyft and Uber scooters .

    This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

    It’s the   ((((  Monday  ))) edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  ….  F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


    Power lines are dangling in the air … and much of the Malibu Park and Zuma Canyon areas is blacked out this morning.

    Lines just failed next to the shopping center … at P C H at Busch … this morning at about 12 after 8.

    A Mylar … metallic helium apparently blew out the circuits … according to a witness.

    Power went off across much of western Malibu … only to be restored about 25 seconds later .

    But not all customers were so lucky.

    Houses along Busch Drive were not powered back up immediately.

    And some residents further away said they were having brownouts ;;; low voltage. 

    Full electric service was supposed to be back by 11:45.

    Te Malibu city council is considering outlawing Mylar balloons … because they casue explosive electrical outages in fire country … and because they float around forever and do not break down in the ocean.


    Two robbers were arrested yesterday afternoon … at the western end of Broad beach.

    An LA County helicopter was brought in to assist in the arrests.

    No word on what wss stolen … the search was concntrated on Bunnie Lane … off West Borad Beach Road.


    Malibu may get squeezed out at the school board again, as 4 Santa Monicans plus Malibu’s Craig Foster run for 4 school board seats.  Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/malibu-may-get-squeezed-out/ 


    No surprise, no last minute candidates have entered the five person race for two open city council seats this fall in Malibu.

    Details:  http://www.radiomalibu.net/5-candidates-for-malibu/


    You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))


    Joe Edmiston … the M R C A executive director …slammed Malibu in an impprmptu appearance before the Coastal Commission.

    That may have violated state open meeting laws.

    Details:  http://www.radiomalibu.net/edmiston-may-violate-state-laws/


    In news from down the coast … it looks like Santa Monica is going to get ride of shared scooter companies Bird and Lime this fall.

    Details:  http://www.radiomalibu.net/sm-may-eject-bird-lime-scooters


    Cooler weather is helping firefighters battling the largest wildfires burning across California. Temperatures are cooling slightly, and humidity is inching upward statewide. 

    The only major fire in Southern California is the Holy Fire … in the Santa Nana Mountains. 

    That’s the one that gave Malibu a light dusting of white fire ash over thr weekend. 

    The Holy Fire is now 51 percent contained … 23 thousand acres burned.

    Another subdivision along I-15 north of Lake Elsinore got voluntary evacuation orders yesterday. 

    The biggest fire in California history … the Mendocino Complex fires consumed about 8,000 more acres Sunday.

    The Mendocino fires have burned 336,399 acres and are 70 percent contained. 

    Officials at the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection don’t expect to completely contain the blaze until Sept. 1.

    Near Yosemite … the Ferguson Fire is 83 percent contained. 

    Yosemite Valley is still closed. 

    The Carr Fire near Redding is 61 percent contained … at 201 thousand acres. 


    Malibu pubic schools are gearing up for the fall semester. 

    Get Your Stuff Day at Malibu High is this Wednesday.

    Regular classes start next week. 




    Traffic …


    Weather for the Malibu ….


    Clouds burning off this morning … high 74 beaches … ((((    90    )))) mountains and canyons. 

    Winds will be gentle. 

    Downcoast winds …  (((  around 15    )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

    Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:45   )))).

    After that … patchy fog tonight … low ((((   64   )))) beaches …  ((((  62   )))) mountains and canyons.

    Tomorrow should be   ((((  foggy in the morning.   )))).

    At 10 a-m … at Trancas it’s ((((    72   )))) degrees.

    In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    78    )))) .

    And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   80    )))).

    In the ocean … it’s ((((     68    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

    The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  2 to 3   )))) feet high …. 

    ((((   The new SSW Southern Hemisphere swell continues. NW wind swell. Poor to Fair conditions.  )))) 

    Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

    (((((   High tide is at  12:05 PM .. at 5 feet.

    Low tide is at 5:42 PM.

    Then, a 5.8 foot high tide will crest at quarter to midnight.   ))))


    The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

    Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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