Council Continues To Meet About Feldman Complaints

Reva Feldman

Malibu City Council met for the third time in the past two weeks in a closed session last Thursday, Feb. 11, to discuss what to do about a recent letter from City Manager Reva Feldman, who alleged earlier this year that City Council Member Bruce Silverstein created a hostile workplace for her. In the letter, which came from Feldman’s attorney, the city manager said that she was willing to leave her position leading the city’s staff in exchange for a buyout of the remainder of her contract.

The council last Thursday did not make a decision, which likely means there are more meetings to come. 

Silverstein, who ran for council last fall, made investigating corruption at City Hall one of the cornerstones of his campaign. During the campaign, he made public statements that he would work to remove Feldman, whom he alleges is corrupt, from her post. 

In January, Feldman’s attorney submitted her letter to the council suggesting the terms of Feldman’s departure—a contract and benefits buyout amounting to $375,000.

Feldman has worked for Malibu for more than a decade and a half. According to the letter, Feldman hoped she would be able to depart by May, pending approval by city council.