The Food and Drug Administration’s recent decision to clear the way for meat from cloned animals and their offspring to be sold, unlabeled, to Americans shows that the agency is putting the demands of the farmed animal industry above public health concerns. The FDA can’t guarantee that flesh from cloned animals and their offspring does not pose some undiscovered risk. A high percentage of cloned animals die before or soon after birth and many are born with deformities. We don’t know all the ways cloning affects an animal’s body.
We do know this: Eating eggs, dairy and meat of any kind is unsafe -it’s linked to heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. Cloning won’t change that. If the FDA truly wants to protect our health, it would promote vegetables, fruit, beans and grains rather than backing an industry that will yank the testicles off cows and pigs without painkillers and scald chickens alive just to save money. See for more information.
Kathy Guillermo
Senior Writer, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals