Make park a reality


I would bet that if a poll were taken today asking everyone living in Malibu which would you prefer for the Chili Cook-Off site, a people’s park or a massive shopping center, 95 percent of our people would stand for a people’s park, a Malibu Legacy Park, that all of us could use with pride and enjoyment. And a park that faced on PCH to remind all the 13 to 14 million drivers who pass through Malibu each year that this park is a symbol of the beauty of Malibu and the care of the people who live here.

That park land costs $25 million. It has been evaluated for far more and will probably sell for far more should we fail to have the money in December. Most of the money has been secured. Now some $3 million dollars need to be raised by December.

This is the season when we are besieged by requests from worthy organizations and requests to help the victims of earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. I know I have always answered in the past. But this season, I decided that the money I would spend on those causes would go to make the dream of a People’s Legacy Park to symbolize this remarkable city.

Recently, I was very disturbed to learn that one citizen leader of another group who had promised to help us was instead gathering ten million for other land buys to be used toward building a wetlands. Then, in the paper, this gentleman assured the council that if Malibu was short of money at the deadline, his group would contribute to us from their funds. But at what cost? You have noticed the recent flood of critical letters and speeches aimed at the council made by those old familiar names and faces from the last election. I believe their goal is political control. Don’t let them destroy our park. The purchase is the Chili Cook-Off, the site of the new Malibu Legacy Park

Please contribute what you can from $1 on up. Send to Malibu Legacy Park, Lisa Pope, City Clerk, Malibu City Hall, Malibu, Ca. 90265. This park belongs to all of us, purchased by all of us and is our heritage gift to the future.

Georgianna McBurney