Speaker series continues Wednesday with LACMA curator

October, George Inness, United States, 1882 or 1886, Paul Rodman Mabury Collection

The Malibu Library Speakers Series continues Wednesday with a visit from Los Angeles County Museum of Art curator Mary Lenihan to discuss the exhibit Compass for Surveyors: Nineteenth-Century American Landscapes.

Lenihan, LACMA’s Director of Adult Programs and an American art historian, will be speaking at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Malibu Library about the current LACMA exhibit, which features American landscape paintings and photographs from the 1800s. The event is free and open to the public.

The exhibit features artists such as Thomas Hill, Carleton Emmons Watkins and Fitz Henry Lane, who painted landscapes across the country, from Lake Tahoe to the Columbia River to the Boston Harbor, according to the LACMA website. It also includes Thomas Eakin’s Wrestlers.

According to the library, this is a “rare opportunity to be guided by an expert right here in Malibu.”

“It’s very rare for [LACMA curators] to do programs outside of the museum, so I think we’re really lucky that she’s coming here,” former Malibu Library manager Cathy McGowan said last month.

The speaker series previously featured authors Elizabeth Gilbert, Garth Stein, Kerry Max Cook and Anne Lamott. It is slated to continue through the year. Susan Casey, author of “The Wave,” and surfer Laird Hamilton, who lives in Malibu part-time, will be speaking on August 28. The Cultural Arts Commission will discuss additional speakers at Tuesday’s committee meeting, according to an agenda report.

For more information about the speaker series, call (310)456-6438 or visit the library website