Malibu’s Volunteers on Patrol Seeking to Bulk Up Summer Team

Daniel Villefort is one of the leaders of Malibu's Volunteers on Patrol.

Malibu’s Volunteers on Patrol (VOP) are looking for new members to join their team before summer arrives. 

Established in 2010, the VOP program is run by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with the City of Malibu. VOP members are responsible for patrolling the community in a squad car for a minimum of 16 hours per month and duties including issuing parking citations, providing back-up enforcement/traffic control to Sheriff’s deputies and monitoring the Malibu area for suspicious behavior. With an onslaught of tourists, summer is the busiest time of year for the volunteers. 

To view an application and program requirements, visit Those interested in the program should also contact Shawn Brownell of the Malibu/ Lost Hills Sheriff ’s Station at 818.878.5506.