Letter: Getting Closer to a School District

Letter to the Editor

There was a lot of excitement at the Advocates for Malibu Public Schools (AMPS) Town Hall meeting on May 28. 

An independent Malibu school district with local control is within our reach. Furthermore, a possible new path has been discovered, which could shorten the process considerably, and net out an independent school district by the ‘16/’17 school year. That’s two years away. 

AMPS has hit a tipping point whereupon the next six months are critical to moving quickly through an aggressive agenda to achieve successful separation. We need to get all parties involved on board. 

Right now we have an incredible, unique opportunity to create an independent Malibu School District dedicated to excellence in education that will change the lives of our children, our community and leave a legacy for future generations of Malibu families. 

Please get involved with your time, money, endorsements and conversations at ampsmalibu.org. 

Teri Carcano