= A back to school day like never before at Malibu High today.
= Students welcomed back after 54 weeks at home …
= Kids will be greeted by a masked person taking their temperature and looking at their health status.
= And after 54 weeks … expect heavy traffic on Morning View Drive … a welcome traffic jam.
= The virus transmission rate is inching upward … a dark cloud as LA County reopens.
= Adding a third patrol car at night is paying off in Malibu.
= Stanley The Giraffe has been seized by the state … but still is in his Malibu digs.
= as Malibu Wine Safari is accused of taking peoples money for tours that never happened.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News
Weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at www.radiomalibu.net
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Major stories posted later in the day at www.radiomalibu,net
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