"Be prepared’ list


In looking at the proposed wastewater-settling pond, I noticed there were no sidewalks provided for walking to and from the two separated parts of Malibu. No sidewalk on the PCH and none provided on the Civic Center Way! A lot of people walk these routes every day and they are to be forced to wander around the pond or walk as now along the muddy PCH? And the walkers on PCH will have no view of the pond, as there will be a sound berm to block their view.

Then I notice that there are no sidewalks in Malibu, except in front of the commercial areas as mandated in order for them to get a building permit. Does this mean the evil “commercial areas” take better care of the pedestrian walkers than the city does?

If the park idea fails, I propose that we use the money to put in some sidewalks. And, while we’re at it, let’s re-install the three tsunami-warning sirens Malibu had for years. They used to be tested every Friday at noon during the civil defense days but they were built in the ’40s for tsunamis, not Japanese attacks. Anyway, they gave me a sense of security.

Or how about repairing La Tunas Canyon back to two lanes so the beach people could get up the hill in case of an emergency and Topanga is closed. In fact, Malibu needs more roads going back up to Mulholland. A few of the fire roads above Corral Canyon should be paved to allow more emergency access to and from Mulholland Drive, as well as Winding Way. How about accessing the natural springs in the mountains behind us in case the DWP has to shut down our water? Or how about re-opening the ferryboat service from the Malibu Pier to Santa Monica Pier in case of an emergency?

I propose we re-start the, “Adopt a Family Plan” where people from any Malibu disaster can join another family for a little while. Make a list of homes available for prearranged families. Everyone on the beach has a “house on the hill” and vice versa. I think we can learn from New Orleans. In a big situation, Malibu will not be at the top of Caltran’s fix-it list.

Begin with the sidewalks, then get ready. This could be fun.

Jim Glennon