Letter: Vote for deNicola

Letter to the Editor

I have lived in Malibu for 27 years, and for the past three years I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Jennifer deNicola as she battled seemingly insurmountable obstacles, finally getting safe and toxic-free schools for all our kids and teachers in Malibu.

DeNicola has been nothing short of amazing in her determination, passion, resourcefulness, courage, intelligence and grit. Because of her tireless efforts, a federal judge ruled that our Malibu schools must be free of toxic PCBs by 2019. This herculean effort that deNicola so boldly led is now resonating throughout our entire country. That’s doing things right.

DeNicola has proven to be a strong leader and a consummate problem solver – qualities that we need on our city council. Quite honestly, we need some new blood and new energy as well.  This never-ending mantra spouted by the three guys who call themselves “Team Malibu” is so stale and reeks of cronyism. I, and many others, are offended by this constant barrage of messages saying, “You must vote for all three.” Uh, no, we are intelligent voters who will decide which individual candidates deserve our votes. We don’t ever need to be manipulated into voting for “all three” of them. 

Bottom line, every community needs a deNicola fighting tirelessly to make things right for the good of the community. We are so very lucky to have her right here with us in Malibu.  Please vote for deNicola for city council on Nov. 8. Every vote counts.

Jacklyn Williams