Starbucks imposes smoking ban

Starbucks on PCH and Trancas 

Coffee and cigarettes no longer pair well together—at Starbucks, that is. 

Beginning Saturday, June 1, the popular coffee chain will ban smoking within 25 feet of all its franchises, including its Malibu locations. Smoking inside Starbucks is already banned.

The news was first reported by the Associated Press. 

“Starbucks existing no-smoking policy will be expanded to include outdoor seating areas of company-owned stores in the U.S. and Canada,” a company rep told KPCC.

Starbucks has three locations in Malibu—the Malibu Colony Plaza Shopping Center, Trancas Market Shopping Center and the Malibu Country Mart. A fourth location, inside Pavilions at the Point Dume Village Shopping Center, is exempt from the ban.

What do you think of the smoking ban?