Letter: End of an Era

Letter to the Editor

At Lily’s Café on Point Dume everyone from Frank Sinatra to newly arrived immigrants have enjoyed Lily’s kind greeting and good food.

For more than 38 years, many members of the greatest generation have met every weekday morning for coffee and friendly talk. From Ray Voge, master plumber and fine husband, to Bob Wittham, a great stone mason, to Edward Niles, one of America’s premier architects and civic leaders. Also, John Olk, the very reliable horse trailer expert, and Jimmy Shirk, great World War II war hero. Doug O’Brien will also show up—he was largely instrumental in establishing Malibu Little League, I think.

Angelo Gullotti also shows up; he is the one we all would like to be. He would give a friend his Gucci shirt and then say, “what else can I do for you?’

Every one of these men is married to a good woman, every one has no debts in town–all can hold their heads high.

Lily has decided to get rid of “our” table and instead has purchased a fine long bench. Meaning that our daily meeting no longer has an intimate chat around our little table.

No matter-we all adore Lily and her friendship-however, a great chapter has come to an end in Malibu.

Morten “Marty” Wengler