Letter: Think again before park swap


When does our City Council consider the wishes and concerns of Malibu residents? 

As a resident of La Chusa Highlands, I thought we had fought the battle of the campgrounds in Charmlee Wilderness Park. It was and is a dangerous idea. 

Charmlee Park is a jewel and serves people well with its docent led programs (i.e., nature walks, stargazing, leading walks with busloads of inner city children). 

As an early docent, I have seen first hand the look of wonderment as children are introduced to wildflowers and wild animals, some for the first time in their lives. 

Mr. Edmiston will never give up his quest, and I am sad to see our own elected City Council enable him to thwart the will of the people. 

I have an idea. How about a campsite at Legacy park, it is safe and accessible for handicapped (one of Mr Edmiston’s requirements, according to his presentation at the meetings I attended), while Charmlee Park is definitely not. 

I need not go into the fire dangers, it’s well known. 

Please think again before you take part in such a deal. 

Mary P. Smith