Letter: Musings of the Mother of the Year

Letter to the Editor

I was asked if I had any advice to give the young mothers out there. A fresh-faced, happy young mom certainly doesn’t want to hear anything from an old, worn-out husk of a mom, who actually did a “happy dance” when her last kid went off to college … but here it goes:

•Always write thank you notes. “Dear Arnold and Karen, thank you for selecting me as Mother of the Year, an award named after your dear mother, Rosie. My mother was also named Rosie, so this honor is especially poignant.”

•Be impeccable with your words. When a mother rags on another mother, child, teacher or even politicians, an example is set to accept intolerance and disrespect in your home. I admit, it was a struggle during the Bush years, but we gave it our best shot.

•Laugh. My kids loved Barney. The sappy show was absolute torture to watch. One year, I made a Barney birthday cake, cut his head off and made bloody pink frosting squirting out of his neck. I thought it was hilarious! I didn’t expect my kids to be horrified and forever scarred by my demented sense of humor. In high school, my oldest decided to go out with his pants shrugged down his butt like a prisoner. I greeted his friends with MY pants shrugged down, revealing my granny panties and the crack of my butt. A disturbing visual, but it worked! He pulled those pants right up! 

•Love your kids the way they are … one day they will appreciate it. My daughter submitted the following to The Malibu Times “My mom has always been my biggest supporter. When I was 11, I wanted to change my name to ‘Sundancer’ and live in a tree. She was the only person who thought this decision was pragmatic. I go to college among the trees of the Pacific Northwest and am spiritually and physically fit. I owe all it to the biggest cheerleader I have.”

I am honored to be their bigest cheerleader, though the sight of their tattoos melts my eyeballs.

Thanks Arnold and Karen. Both Rosies would be proud!

Laureen Sills