When a teenager is handed a high school diploma, the future is bright and full of promise. It is exciting not only for the graduate but also for his or her family and friends as well. It is also the time of year for graduation events.
Unfortunately, however, all too often graduation festivities bring with them an alarming increase in teen deaths due to drunk or drug-impaired driving. The magnitude of the tragedy of losing young lives senselessly due to drunk driving is overwhelming.
I was pleased to support a resolution designating May 31 to June 30 as “Sober Graduation Month” in California. This formal designation affirms the importance of protecting our children from alcohol and drug-related accidents and encourages schools and community organizations to sponsor alcohol- and drug-free events where young people can safely celebrate graduation.
Please keep in mind that not only is it illegal for persons under 21 years of age to possess or use alcohol, but that adults can be held responsible for any minor’s injury caused by the minor’s use of alcohol in the adult’s residence.
Sober graduation saves lives. I urge parents, schools, law enforcement, and businesses and community leaders in my district to do whatever is in their power to have students celebrate safely and to make June a month free of alcohol- or drug-related motor vehicle deaths or injuries.
Fran Pavley
Assemblymember, 41st District