Gov. Brown declares July ‘Water Smart Month’

Home sprinkler system

With Malibu temperatures averaging almost 80 degrees this July and other areas of California reaching triple digit temperatures, Gov. Jerry Brown has declared July “Water Smart Month,” according to a press release issued by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).

Since most people in California use more water on their lawns and landscapes more than they do inside their home, California residents are urged to find ways to help save water until the reservoirs can be replenished in the fall “by checking their sprinkler systems, upgrading to more efficient technologies, and being mindful of when and how they water landscaping.”

Reservoir levels are dropping to keep up with the demand of high water usage in the hot summer months, especially in July when outside water usage is at its peak.

“Conserving water is essential to our state’s future,” Brown said. “This precious resource is the backbone to the success of the state’s economy, public health, and abundant wildlife.”

DWR director, Mark Cowin, said the biggest water savings can be found by fixing leaking sprinklers and recommended residents not water their lawns during the daytime.

Homeowners, and professional landscapers, can get advice on how long to run their sprinkler systems and additional details on how to save money on water by going to