City gets soldiers’ salute


I just received this e-mail from the mother of one of our “Gators.” I would like to share it with you as it shows how we, as a city, are appreciated. Thanks to all of you who have been so kind as to write and send care packages to our adopted soldiers. Please keep up the good work. They need us now more than ever. Anyone who does not have a pen pal soldier may contact Leslie Schwarz at 456-3739. Leslie also has T-shirts available to buy for our men. The e-mail follows:

Good evening Mayor Kearsley,

I just received a copy of a newsletter that was printed March 20, 2003 in The Malibu Times about the Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion of the 327 infantry. My son is with this company. His name is PFC Ronald Bowerman. Ronnie has been gone since March 2, 2003. He’s 19 years old; he’ll be 20 in September.

I wanted to let you and your community know how much I appreciate what you are doing for our soldiers. It’s not easy over there and they just found out last week they will be there until Feb./Mar. 2004. I mailed two air mattresses to him and his buddy last week because they are sleeping on the floor. When I mentioned it to Ronnie and his buddy, they both said “Hell yea.” Guess that means a yes (LOL). Anyway I wanted to thank you and ask if you could give me updates when you think about it. Also Ronnie sent pictures home that I could share.

Thank you, Bettye Bowerman

Ken Kearsley