KBUU Newswire – Day 142 – Fri Mar 29 – `Green Mile’ Of Legal Pot Commerce, 19 Miles Up The Coast From Malibu – Topanga Blvd Closure – Malibu High Redesign Meetings – Sheriff’s Top Aide Member Of Secret Clique, Accuser Says



This is KBUU News – Day 142 – the Friday Headlines:

  • =   Caltrans needs to close Topanga Canyon Boulevard all weekend … watch for heavy traffic at Tuna Canyon.
  • =  46 burned down houses have been cleared for rebuilding by the state demolition crews.
  • =  How should the new Malibu High School look and function? Public meetings are set on that. 
  • =  A huge marijuana-based industrial park has sprung up … 19 miles west of Malibu. 
  • = And Santa Anas are poised to bring hot, dry winds this weekend. 

This is Malibu’s only local daily news. It’s the Friday (!) edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Caltrans is planning a 55-hour full closure of Topanga Canyon Blvd between Malibu and Topanga this weekend.  Details:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/topanga-cyn-closed-all-weekend/


The state’s Consolidated Debris Removal Program has finished work at the first 46 properties affected by the Woolsey Fire.

This clears the way for owners of the 45 properties in Los Angeles County and one in Ventura County to apply for building permits.

Work on 25 other properties is nearly complete.

Another 309 properties have had their wreckage cleared … but are awaiting final soil contamination tests.  – 278 in Los Angeles County and 31 in Ventura County.  

The state says it has substantially completely work at 35 percent of the 788 properties in the county affected by the Woolsey Fire … and determined eligible for the state program. 

The state is still accepting applications form property owners to have their lots cleared off by the state. 


What should the new Malibu High School look like???  Two public meetings are scheduled to let the Malibu community have their say.  We boil down the district’s nicely-written press release:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/community-asked-to-help-design/


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))


Not much on the agenda for the Malibu Planning Commission this Monday.

A house remodel and addition on Sea Ranch Road … Point Dume.

A remodel with a height waiver on Bird View … Point Dume.

And a new house on Paseo Portola at La Costa.


A grim reaper tattoo on his inner ankle .… signifying membership in a secret society. 

That’s the newest allegation against a key campaign aide to sheriff Alex Villanueva.  His campaign driver was a member of a secret clique … a gang of rogue L A County sheriff’s deputies:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/tattooed-in-house-gang/

L A Times article about the Grim Reaper tattoo … posted at the KBUU Newswire:



Malibu is about to be hit with a tidal wave of cell phone antennas.  Over in Thousand Oaks … they are estimating they will get 5,000 new call antennae.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/5000-new-cell-antennas-to-hit-to/

Ventura County Star article: https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/communities/conejo-valley/2019/03/28/5-g-wireless-sites-coming-thousand-oaks-simi-valley-fcc/3234092002/


A Malibu businessman man has been appointed by President Donald Trump 

to be one of nine appointed trustees for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D-C.

Marc Stern has long been a fundraiser and chairman of the board for the Los Angeles Opera.

Stern is also chair of the Board of Directors of The Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles … which sponsors programs that address the acute and long-term needs of the Los Angeles Opera.

Stern is a business executive and chairman of the Los Angeles-based asset-management firm … The TCW Group Incorporated.

The Kennedy Center board has 36 members appointed by the president and 21 designated by Congress.

Malibu’s Marc Stern was nominated by the president for the post … along with Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.


Port Hueneme has designated a rundown industrial neighborhood on the east side of town as as the Green Mile … wide open for an unlimited number of marijuana industries.  This is 19 miles from the Malibu city limits.  KBUU’s summary:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/port-hueneme-green-mile-for-pot/

The Ventura County Star has three terrific pieces of original reporting:  







Traffic … in 65 seconds … first … 


Weather for the Malibu ….

((((    Sunny  )))) … highs  ((((   69   )))) beaches … ((((   72   )))) mountains and canyons. 

Downcoast winds …  (((   up to 20   )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((       )))).

After that … (((  Santa Anas will begin   )))) this evening … gusts up to 25 miles an hour overnight … low ((((  52  )))) beaches …  ((((   49  )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    Santa Anas and warm … 72 beaches …. Santa Ana winds to 25 mile.    )))).

Right now at 8:55am … at Trancas it’s ((((    56   )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo Beach …   ((((   53    )))).

Upper Malibu Canyon …  ((((    50    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   52   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    Mo says the ocean has warmed up to 60   )))) degrees at Surfrider Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  2-4  )))) feet high …. 


Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   Low tide is at  1:04 PM.

A 3.6 foot high tide will crest at 8:02 tonight.    ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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