Letter: Saved Trees

Letter to the Editor

Yes, thanks to many residents and visitors who had eyes that could hear, these magnificent, old-growth trees won. Outgunned by the developers and the paid Planning Commission staffers who have been spoon-fed by their lobbyists, the vision of those trees spoke to the Planning Commission loud and clear through the words, letters and emails of our citizenry both local and visiting. 

There was so much late breaking news. Diverse interests came together to rock our rally: Jae Flo of Your Malibu, Pat Healy of Slow Growth, yours truly for Malibu Township Council, Zuma Jay and Andy Lyon’s surfing communities, Chumash nation representatives, Malibu Democratic Club and the tireless work of Steve Woods. It was such a glorious example of how our first amendment is so crucial for democracy to work. For example, Commissioner Mikke Pierson was moved by a photo which Ranger Jennifer Gary took on June 11. The entire panel appreciated the informative assemblage of historical photos on the Malibu Post blog. All the commissioners were refocused by the volume of correspondence demanding an alternate plan which spares the trees. Commissioner John Mazza made the motion to pass the traffic plan with the exception that the trees could not be cut down. This single step seconded by Vice Chair Roohi Stack enabled the trees’ voice to get on the record rather than the proverbial passing of the buck.

But, make no mistake; this is only round one. Get ready for round two with the City Council. Our numbers must grow; more citizens must speak out. Be involved; be heard or be sorry. The wolves are at the door. The developers are pushing more development. Caltrans is pushing more pavement — all this at the expense of Malibu’s fragile ecosystem. If ever there were an example of commercial interests’ collective indifference to the things we Malibuites hold dear, this is it. 

Marilyn Dove