Letter: Stop passing lane abuse

Letter to the Editor

Passing lane abuse is rampant on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, causing traffic congestion, road rage and an unsafe right lane, putting pedestrians, bicyclists and other drivers in terrible dan- ger. Laws meant to prevent passing lane abuse have been mostly ignored by our police and government.

As a matter of fact, a former city councilmember openly promoted passing lane abuse by encouraging the ladies of “A Safer PCH” to “tank” (meaning: go-slow) in the passing lane, to try and stop speeders. Sergeant Scott, the public affairs officer of the West Hills Sheriff ’s station, who may have thought he was doing the politically correct thing, stated in a local newspaper article that there are no laws regulating the slow speed of drivers in the passing lane. In my opinion, that statement contradicted common and written laws.

I have addressed this issue with our city government. First at the City Council meeting. I was then encouraged to address passing lane abuse at the city’s Public Safety Committee and with Carol Randall, who served as the chair of the Public Safety Committee. Randall’s argument was that I was encouraging speeders to speed. I am adamantly against speeders but forcing them into the right lane is just wrong!

If you like traffic congestion, then tank the passing lane. Plus, you might contribute to the next fatality. Otherwise, if you are not passing in the passing lane, just get out of it and do what the signs state: “Slower Traffic Keep Right” (if you can see them).

I’ve decided to video tape those who abuse the passing lane laws to stop passing lane abuse. When I show the video, I hope the city will embark on a new campaign to stop passing lane abuse, to improve the traffic flow and make PCH truly safer.

Bob Purvey