Wildlife first aid


    I’m writing on behalf of The California Wildlife Center to express our thanks to the Conejo Valley Veterinary Clinic.

    The California Wildlife Center is a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization serving Malibu, Topanga and the Conejo Valley area. We are on call 24 hours a day, ready to respond to wildlife emergencies. Many of our calls involve injured animals who require specialized medical attention and professional care, services which we are not always equipped to provide. However, the Conejo Valley Veterinary Clinic has stepped in to fill that need by providing pro bono veterinary service.

    Wild animals, unlike house pets, “belong” to no one. When a speeding car hits a coyote, or a baby bird is injured by a cat, or a hawk is injured by an electrical line, no owner rushes them to the animal hospital. Typically, these animals simply go without care, often for lack of a simple medical procedure. However, we as humans share a responsibility for the wild creatures in our midst. The doctors at the Conejo Valley Veterinary Clinic have taken it upon themselves to fulfill that responsibility by accepting injured and sick animals from our Center and the general public.

    They provide veterinary care, equipment, supplies, and their time, at considerable expense to themselves and with no compensation. In many cases, they have quite literally been the difference between life and death for an injured animal, and they’ve provided many happy endings to what would otherwise have been a sad story.

    We at the Center have never worked with such caring, dedicated professionals. We, and by extension the whole community, owe a debt of gratitude to this generous and responsible community good neighbor.

    The California Wildlife Center