Letter: Thank You, Mr. Ross

Letter to the Editor

While catching up yesterday on my reading of The Malibu Times (June 10), in the graduation pages (although both my daughter and I have graduated from graduating a bit ago) I found a gem you wrote entitled Lessons Of Life.

Although this was meant for the graduates, I gave it a read, Mr. Ross, as I always enjoy your humorous columns that tend to put a smile on my face.

Your encapsulated lessons were a valuable reminder to me of all the rules I have always tried to live by.

Reading through them was so intoxicating I picked up the phone to call my 24/7-podcasting daughter and asked her if she had a minute to spare that we could share so I could read them to her. 

Her acceptance was gratifying and immediate and the messages in your lessons really reached her in the grandest way.

It seemed to calm some of the anxieties the techie adventurists of today go through regularly and I can’t thank you enough for putting it all down in print.

I’m sure you know, as a father, Mr. Ross, that our progeny will often bypass the voices of their parents in favor of hearing the words of one not related.

My daughter and I both assuredly appreciated your lessons and took heart in digesting your words.

Hermine Hilton