Teen killed, 3 injured in vehicle rollover


A teenage driver was killed instantly and three teens were injured Tuesday night when a Subaru station wagon rolled over on Pacific Coast Highway near Encinal Canyon Road, according to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station. Officials said the preliminary investigation suggested the driver was speeding and they suspect alcohol and drugs played a part in the crash.

The incident happened at approximately 10:20 p.m. All westbound and one eastbound Pacific Coast Highway lanes in the area were closed until Wednesday at approximately 8:20 a.m.

“We didn’t want to touch anything while we waited for light so our traffic investigators could look at it,” said Lost Hills Lt. John Benedict.

The driver was identified by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office as 17-year-old Cody Murphy. Lost Hills Sgt. Phil Brooks said Murphy attended Newbury Park High School. A 17-year-old girl, also a Newbury student, was flown to UCLA Medical Center with severe head trauma. Two male teen passengers were also injured and sent to the hospital. A third male teen passenger was treated at the scene and released.

The names of the passengers were not released.

Brooks said the passengers told investigators everybody in the vehicle had been drinking at a club in Hollywood and later at the Santa Monica Pier. Brooks said an empty bottle of Jagermeister was found in the vehicle as well as a marijuana pipe and a bag of medicinal marijuana. The coroner and investigators could smell alcohol on Murphy’s body, Brooks said.