Mayor Jeff Jennings made a surprise appearance at the Malibu Association of Realtors final board meeting of 2007 to award outgoing Board President Christine Rodgerson a certificate noting her many contributions to the association and the Malibu community during the past year.
Some of Rodgerson’s achievements, according to the association, include having been name “Realtor of the Year,” initiating the green initiative called “Sell a House, Plant a Tree,” helping lead the real estate community in opposition to BHP Billiton’s proposed liquefied natural gas terminal and working with the city of Malibu in an effort to limit the impact of the proposed Point of Sale Ordinance. Rodgerson was also instrumental in forming the association’s nonprofit foundation that will one day assist both Realtors and the community. Additionally, she was the spark behind hiring new staff and finding new offices for the Association and starting the MAR Report, a quarterly newsletter for members and many more
Rodgerson has lived in Malibu for the past 28 years with her husband, Denis.