Poem Corner: Quarantine in Malibu


Here I sit in my still, quiet sanctuary

watching the wind curl the waves in a gentle ebb and flow

the air pungent with fresh scent of damp earth

mingled with the briny smell of the sea


Deep wisdom of the planets 

made sure we would pause and meditate

upon our careless desecration 

and defiance of the laws of nature


so the virus descended into all parts of the world

with no preference for rich or poor,

young or old, black or white or in between

all entangled in the web of life

So I pray for our planet and all of us in it. Amen    


—Jacqueline Craven   

As quarantine and self-isolation continues, we have begun to notice an uptick in poetry submissions. 

We always accept poems for consideration and welcome our readers to share their contributions.

If you are interested in submitting a poem for possible inclusion in The Malibu Times’ print edition, you may do so by emailing it to editorial@malibutimes.com or mailing it to The Malibu Times office at 3864 Las Flores Canyon Road.