Emergency Communication Capability Improves

Emergency Communication

The City of Malibu recently announced its ability to coordinate first responders during emergencies had improved, after the Federal Communications Commission issued a permit for the city to place a repeater antenna atop Castro Peak in the Santa Monica Mountains, allowing public safety staff and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) members to communicate without the use of cell phones during emergencies.

In addition to the antenna, the city funded 40 handheld radios for CERT members, the FCC license and the lease of the antenna on Castro Peak.

According to the city, the radios and antenna make up part of the city’s emergency Zero Power Plan, which includes various other measures including a loudspeaker/siren system, publicly posted notices and new city vehicles outfitted with light bars and loudspeakers.

The CERT members instrumental in the placement of the new antenna were Richard Garvey, Juergen Cords and Peter Banner, the city reported.