Legislation Passes to Monitor Rise of Self-Driving Cars and its Effects

Tony Cárdenas

The SELF DRIVE Act, including legislation designed to help establish an advisory council on autonomous vehicles at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Sept. 6. The advisory council was included in Section 9 of the act with language from San Fernando Valley representative Tony Cárdenas.

In a statement provided by his office, Cárdenas said: “Autonomous vehicles will have game-changing implications for jobs and our economy. As policymakers, we need to move forward with our eyes open and anticipate the potential challenges that will come with these innovations…My bill, pased within the the SELF DRIVE Act, will ensure that state and local governments have a seat at the table as this industry grows.”

The council will explore the impact automated vehicles will have on the environment, consumers and more.