Letter: Looking at America

Letter to the Editor

The globalists may be occupying America, but the people have found them out. 

John Boehner (Matt Drudge claimed about a week or so ago on his website) was having an affair, and thus has been compromised. He did all he could to accommodate the administration when he agreed to a deal that funds Obamacare and amnesty in a continued resolution through September of this year. (Which was made during the Christmas break, before the new Congress and the will of the American people ever had a chance to do anything. No budget, no cutting of exporting 500,000 jobs to China and $500 million more debt each day of the year. So sad.) 

Both parties, in my view, have merged, and the last group they are working for is the American citizen. John Roberts (who later this year may be in a position to again judge the very expensive Obamacare) supposedly, according to Glenn Beck, is also compromised? That is perhaps the way it is — which is horrible for America, of course — but I have considered that my often very worried emails almost border on disbelief in God (I do believe in God, of course, but we all make mistakes worrying too much.). What I sort of forgot was to be relaxed and know that God will eventually punish anyone that is dishonest, etc. That also goes for us, of course. So, from now on, let us all pray for our leaders (as before) and sort of disengage in trying to stay on the “cutting edge” of whatever is going on, for we have nothing whatsoever to say about anything that is done in Washington anymore. 

China is running rings around us while we fight. Mike Huckabee and Dennis Kucinich both agree that America must produce here at home and not outsource. 

Give an American a job and there will not be rioting anywhere. 

Being from Europe — where Hitler and Russia almost won WWII — America’s safety and prosperity is somewhat more amplified than for most born here. (Sorry everyone.) 

Ask any Cuban in Florida about the “wonders” of Marxism. 

Morten Wengler