City Planning Commission Meets For 2 Hours 40 Minutes, Dog Barks


The Malibu Planning Commission met last night.

In Journalism school … they teach you to never write a lede liek that. 

But the fact that the planning commission met at all was the most-newsworthy event of the night. 

It was the first public meeting since City Hall shut down … and it was conducted electronically. 

Everyone at home … on Zoom.

The one member of the public who wanted to speak … had enormous problems getting on to the system.

Kraig Hill dashed off a negative review to the City Council … calling the Zoom system not ready for prime time.

The city council is going to meet next week … people will want to speak … and the Zoom system seemed to be impossible for Hill to get into. 

And with everyone at home … that led to moments like this.


JEFF JENNINGS: “And he said he didn’t want to talk about it unless it was raised in discussion. Is there any interest on the part of the commissioners to calling him up … and asking him


JENNINGS: “… if he wants to talk further about it? Is that your dog Steve???”

STEVE UHRING:  “I gotta let my dog out … I just got to open the door … I’ll be right back.”

The only major issue decided last night was a house in Malibu Park … a house on Cuthbert that is significantly bigger than the other house around it.

It was approved. 

But the majority 3-2 vote agreed that the matter would likely be appealed by the city council … and sent it up to them for a decision.