Letter: American Stupidity

Letter to the Editor

In response to “When did America turn cruel?,” published on June 21.

Publisher Arnold York asked the question “When did America turn cruel?” He should have asked the question “When did America turn stupid?”

When did America allow national security and immigration policy to be set by corrupt third world countries that encourage their desperately poor citizens to illegally enter another sovereign nation so they never have to make any reforms to give their own people an opportunity for a better life?

When did America accept the mainstream media complicity with the Democratic Party to eliminate any distinction between legal and illegal immigration?

When did Americans begin to see undocumented parents who entrust their children to drug cartels and human traffickers as heroes? Meanwhile, American parents who don’t buckle up their children should be fined or worse.

When did Americans allow the Orwellian corruption of our language so that decent law enforcement officers are compared to Nazis, murderous monsters who killed tens of millions of people?

When did Americans vote that criminal illegal aliens deserve more rights than American-born lawbreakers?

When did Americans say “it’s okay” to make citizens line up like sheep at long airport lines to prove who they are? But anybody can just sneak across the southern or northern border with impunity and then create a fake identity to work in the U.S.

When did a large group of Americans decide free speech is only the right of the progressive left and anyone who doesn’t agree with that agenda should be shouted down and shunned?

When did Americans start believing our national immigration policy was based on a poem later tacked on the Statue of Liberty instead of a system of laws designed to be orderly and fair?

When did America forget the incredible success of our historic immigration system but based on assimilation—not tribalism? We took a 40-year time out from large scale immigration in the 20th century to achieve that goal.

And, finally, when did Americans buy the propaganda that this is a deeply flawed and “cruel” country, no longer worth praising or protecting?

Austin Hardy