Letter: Take Action

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Senator Stern to host Malibu Canyon and Creek safety meeting” published on Aug. 16.

I am working to raise the reward currently at $35,000. I used to live in Santa Monica and ran in the mountains. I would be a bit more nervous now.

I have already asked Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica join with Calabasas City Council ($5,000), the city of Malibu ($5,000), LA County Board of        Supervisors ($10,000) and Allergan ($15,000) to increase the reward by $5,000 for the arrest and conviction of Tristan’s Beaudette’s murderer(s).

Increasing the reward is in the interest of surrounding communities.

It sends a signal that communities are taking action to provide a feeling of safety and actual safety to their residents.

I also shared the below motive with Detective Morris of LA Sheriff Dept. (via lacrimestoppers and a phone message) and he left me with a voicemail giving sincere thanks and let me know to continue to submit any further information via lacrimestoppers.

Given Tristan’s skills, experience and genius it was likely that he was developing a competing product to existing vaccines or could expose safety issues with current vaccines. It is realistic to investigate this crime from the perspective of it being a premeditated homicide accomplished by a professional.

It would be a tremendous upheaval to Pharma if “safer” vaccines or drug delivery systems came onto the market or if the safety of current vaccines was called into question. All people need to do is look at the vaccine insert warnings and length of clinical trials (days, not years like drugs) and there would be an awakening.

I created a public group: facebook.com/groups/TristanBeaudette

Steven Urow