Malibu Veterans Day Ceremony Marks 14th Year

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The 14th annual Malibu Veterans Day Public Ceremony will take place on Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. The event will be held at Malibu Legacy Park and is free to attend. 

Co-sponsors for the 2013 ceremony are the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, City of Malibu, Wells Fargo Bank and Pepperdine University. 

The event brings together local businesses, schools and other organizations in honor of Veterans Day and all those who are currently serving or have served the country. 

The ceremonial program will include a variety of speakers as well as those who would like to share their experiences and what it means to them to be serving this country.

Although the event is free to attend, sponsorships will be used to help promote the event around Malibu. Sponsors will be thanked in the local newspaper, mentioned in the program and  recognized during the ceremony.