Letter: Dick Van Dyke Way

Letter to the Editor

He is one of Malibu’s longest residing residents.

He is most generous in giving and donating his talent and his time whenever he is asked to do so.

He is perhaps one of the most well known entertainers in the world.

To know him is to love and admire him.

I feel blessed to  have known him for almost 50 years.

Yes, I am talking about the one and only Dick Van Dyke!

A week or so ago, he was given a most prestigious award at the Kennedy Center, President Joe Biden referred to him as a national treasure. I think of him as our Malibu treasure.

I think that I speak of all Malibuites when I suggest that we should award him with a thoroughfare in his name, such as “Mariposa Dick  Van Dyke  Way.” For years to come, residents and tourists alike would be thrilled to drive or stroll along his thoroughfare.

 Richard Chesterfield