This is F-M 99.1 … KBUU Friday news headlines

= As if to amplify the zeitgeist in Malibu today … we may get a thunderstorm this afternoon.
= Malibu teachers tell their kids … speak up. Listen. Learn.
= Surfers will paddle out to support Black Lives Matter today at 1pm at Mornign View.
= And Malibu kids are selling cupcakes to raise money for the cause.
= A Santa Monica civil rights group wants to talk about that noose that was found at Malibu High School last winter.
= Project after project in Malibu may have to go on hold … because of COVD 19
= And thr RVS are back .. PCH at Corral beach is now a campground again.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.